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Our Products


- very lightweight, versatile, fast and portable C library for parsing XML-documents and building DOM-structure. The parser is ca. 50% faster and needs ca. 40% less memory than "pugiXml" (which is considered as one of the fastest parsers overall). Source code conforms to ANSI C 89/90 Standard.

Please refer to GitHub Repository and GitHub Wiki for details.


- very lightweight and portable C library for handling single-byte (ASCII/ANSI) and Unicode strings. Source code of library conforms to ANSI C 89/90 Standard.

The library covers handling of ASCII, ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, "wide character" strings, with little/big endianness and respect of Unicode "surrogate pairs".
Builds for Win32/Win64, Linux 32/64 bit, FreeBSD 32/64 bit, macOS, Android are available.

Please refer to GitHub Repository and GitHub Wiki for details.


- very lightweight, speedy and portable ANSI C 89/90 compliant library for processing single-byte strings. Minimal dependencies, very fast operations on very large strings, no dynamic memory use.
Please refer to GitHub Repository and GitHub Wiki for details.


- very lightweight, speedy and portable ANSI C 89/90 compliant library for processing single-byte strings. Minimal dependencies, metadata encapsulated, no dynamic memory use.
Please refer to GitHub Repository and GitHub Wiki for details.


- C library implementing platform-independent socket server/client, HTTP/HTTPS protocols.


- C library for handling files with different content like binary, ASCII/ANSI text, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, with different BOMs/without BOMs and different endianness.


- C library implements platform-independent editing component. Library supports ASCII/ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 texts, with different endianness and treatment of Unicode "surrogate pairs" and "combining characters".


- C library implements platform-independent retrieving of characters glyphs as bitmaps for further rendering (for example, using OpenGL). Supports ca. 800 languages (using "Noto" fonts).


- C library for managing and execution of tests functions from shared libraries.


- C library implements platform-independent UI-framework using OpenGL, for UI-development targeting Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, etc. mobile and embedded platforms. Source code conforms to ANSI C 89/90 Standard.

Source code of all libraries conform to ANSI C 89/90 Standard.


- is a free Windows application for demonstration of mdz_xml, mdz_string, mdz_vector, mdz_file, mdz_editor, mdz_font, mdz_ui libraries capabilities.

The viewer supports ASCII, ANSI, UTF-8 (with BOM), UTF-16/UTF-32 (little and big-endian with BOM) text files and XML.
Supports Unicode "surrogate" characters and Unicode "combining" characters.
Very fast handling of very large (> 4.5 GB) text and XML files.

Some more info about motivation for the viewer writing may be found here:

20.04.2021: Changes in Version 3.0:
- added XML text rendering using mdz_xml C library.
- handling of very large (> 4.5 GB) files is improved

16.03.2021: Changes in Version 2.1:
- added OpenGL text renderer using our mdz_text and mdz_ui C libraries. The renderer allows to show texts in more than 500 languages even on very old Windows versions (from Windows 2000).
- improved handling of Viewer using keyboard

Product: mdzTextViewer
Version: 3.0
Supported OS versions: 32-bit: from Windows 2000
64-bit: from Windows XP
License: Freeware
Download 32-bit: mdzTVSetup32.exe
Download 64-bit: mdzTVSetup64.exe

Click previews below to open larger screenshots
mdzTextViewer Different Fonts
mdzTextViewer Comparison


- is a free Windows desktop application to merge (concatenate/join) multiple PDF files. Your PDF files are staying private on your PC - no need to upload them to any third-party Internet service.

Version 1.0: Free unregistered version allows you to merge 2 PDF files. With registered version you are able to merge more than 2 files, select multiple files for merging (also using Drag and Drop and pasting from Clipboard) and more features in the feauture.

06.03.2021: Changes in Version 1.1:

- multi-select in FileOpen Dialog/Clipboard copy/Drag and Drop are working in Freeware version too - only "maximum 2 files merge" limitation is left in Freeware version
- multiple files may be selected in "Input PDF Files" List (for example to remove)
- fixed bug when too many files with too long filenames are selected in FileOpen Dialog

Product: mdzPdfMerge
Version: 1.1
Supported OS versions: 32-bit: from Windows 2000
License: Freeware
Download 32-bit: mdzPdfMergeSetup32.exe

Also version for Windows 10 "S mode" may be installed from Microsoft Store:
mdzPdfMerge in Store

mdzPdfMerge Main Window


- highly-portable command-line C application for execution of test functions from shared libraries using mdz_test library


- highly-portable Qt-application for managing and execution of test functions from shared libraries using mdz_test library
mdzTestRunnerUI Main Window


- generator of API Reference as HTML and/or as Github Wiki, using C header files with Doxygen-style comments.

Following pages are generated using this tool:

mdz_ansi API Reference GitHub Wiki
mdz_ansi_alg API Reference GitHub Wiki
mdz_ansi_16 API Reference GitHub Wiki
mdz_string API Reference GitHub Wiki
mdz_xml API Reference GitHub Wiki


- database data and structure (table/field names) obfuscating solution. Allows encryption of database data/structure and access to the data from your source code in a transparent way (using non-encrypted names/queries).

- encryption of table/field names and data
- building of data/structure diffs between non-encrypted server databases and encrypted client database and generating SQL or XML script for execution on client to sinchronize data content/structure
- transparent way of use in source code (non-encrypted names for accessing tables/columns)

DBObfuscate DB Structure


- HTML code generation for lightweight web site with menu and articles. Examples of generated sites are this site and WorldTennisTracker


- is a free informational tennis statistical software that allows navigation through different tennis stats like matches, players, tournaments, etc.

Initial version of the software has limited functionality and limited selection of tournaments, but next more advanced and improved versions with more data and more presentation abilities are coming soon.

Our intention is to create most comprehensive, precise, complete and helpful tennis statistical software on the web. Therefore a lot of efforts are invested in checking of statistical data from different sources to resolve inconsistencies and in integrating different kinds of tournaments.

There are some screenshots to get a general idea about the software (click to enlarge in separate tab):

All Tournaments Window:

Main Draw Window with Tooltip:

Match Window:

World Socker Tracker

- informational football (soccer) statistics software

(click to enlarge in separate tab)

All Tournaments Window:

World Cup Window

Champions League Window

League Table Window

Sequence Table Window

Scores Table Window

Software Development. Strive for the Impossible to achieve Excellence.
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