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mdz_xml Overview and Reference

mdz_xml - very lightweight, versatile and speedy C library for parsing XML-documents and building DOM-structure. Source code of library is highly-portable, conforms to ANSI C 89/90 Standard. Builds for Win32/Win64, Linux, FreeBSD, Android, macOS are available.

Please refer to mdz_xml Wiki for API details.

mdz_xml Advantages

1. High portability: the whole code conforms to ANSI C 89/90 Standard.

2. Little dependencies: basically, mdz_xml functions are only dependent on standard C-library memory-management/access functions. It means you can use library in your code without any further dependencies except standard platform libraries/APIs.

3. Very fast: Parsing of XML-document is ca. 40% faster than "pugiXML" (which is considered one of fastest XML-parsers) needs. And is ca. 20 times faster than of "MSXML" from Microsoft.

4. Parsing of very large XML-documents: basically, for 64-bit version the only limitation is your available RAM. Still the parser uses memory very effectively, thus parsing of very large files (we mean 2 GB large and bigger files here) is still possible using mdz_xml with a 50% less RAM-consumption than "pugiXML" or "MSXML" (which are very memory-effective too).

5. Parse error position: you are getting position of invalid (non-parsed) character in XML-document if there is parse error.

6. Flexibility: you can parse read-only XML-documents. You can parse writable XML-documents even faster and with less memory-consumption than read-only parse. You can parse files - our file reading is very fast too.

7. Navigation: you can navigate through XML DOM-structure to collect necessary information from elements/children, attributes or texts.

8. Control: you can allow/disallow characters to be parsed in element names, attributes, texts, etc. Parser itself handles <?..?> instructions, <!--...--> comments, and mixed content

mdz_xml API Reference

mdz_xml API Reference is generated using mdzApiRefGenerator.

mdz_xml General Information and Functions

mdz_xml is a library for parsing of XML-documents and creating DOM-structure

Parser processes only ASCII/ANSI single-byte XML-documents. There are following limitations currently:

- "Process Instructions" (instructions inside ) - are parsed but not processed and not inserted in DOM
- Comments (XML-code inside ) - is parsed but not processed and not inserted in DOM
- Mixed content is supported

- Following characters are treated as space-characters: '\n' (aka LF, code 0x0a), '\r' (aka CR, code 0x0d), '\t' (aka TAB, code 0x09), ' ' (aka SPACE, code 0x20)

- Element name may start with following characters: ':', '_', [A..Z], [a..z]
- Element name may contain following characters: ':', '_', '-', '.', [A..Z], [a..z], [0..9]
- Restrictions to element name also apply to attribute name

- Element text may contain every ANSI/ASCII character except: 0 ('\0', code 0x00) and '<'
- Restrictions to element text also apply to attribute value

- CDATA Sections are not parsed and not processed (parsing error will be returned)

- Whitespaces in element text/attribute value are preserved

Library init/uninit functions:


Parser create/destroy functions:


Parse functions:


Service functions:


Navigation functions:



Initializes ansi library. This function should be called before any other function of the library.

mdz_bool mdz_xml_init(const uint32_t* pFirstNameHash, const uint32_t* pLastNameHash, const uint32_t* pEmailHash, const uint32_t* pLicenseHash);

pFirstNameHashuser first name hash code
pLastNameHashuser last name hash code
pEmailHashuser e-mail hash code
pLicenseHashlicense hash code

mdz_trueif the initialization has succeed, otherwise false

mdz_xml Reference


Un-initializes ansi library and frees corresponding memory allocations.

void mdz_xml_uninit(void);

mdz_xml Reference


Create XML-parser instance.

struct mdz_Xml* mdz_xml_create(void);

NULLif library is not initialized with mdz_xml_init() call
NULLif memory allocation failed
Resultpointer to instance for use in other mdz_xml functions

mdz_xml Reference


Destroy XML-parser instance, including underlying data.

void mdz_xml_destroy(const struct mdz_Xml* pXml);

pXmlpointer to XML-parser instance returned by mdz_xml_create()

mdz_xml Reference


Read-only parsing XML-document under pcText with length nTextLength. After successful parsing, DOM-structure will be built with a root at mdz_Xml.m_pRootElement.

mdz_bool mdz_xml_parse(const struct mdz_Xml* pXml, const char* pcText, size_t nTextLength);

pXmlpointer to XML-parser instance returned by mdz_xml_create()
pcTextXML-document to parce (single-bytes string)
nTextLengthlength of XML-document to parce in bytes

mdz_falseif pXml == NULL
mdz_falseif license is invalid/expired (MDZ_XML_ERROR_LICENSE)
mdz_falseif pcText is NULL or empty or nTextLength is too small (MDZ_XML_ERROR_PARAM)
mdz_falseif there are memory-allocation problems (MDZ_XML_ERROR_MEMORY)
mdz_falseif there are parsing problems (MDZ_XML_ERROR_PARSE). In shis case mdz_Xml.m_nErrorPos contains position of unexpected/erroneous character in XML-document
mdz_trueparsing succeeded

mdz_xml Reference


Writable parsing XML-document under pcText with length nTextLength. During this parse XML-document can be modified (without losing XML-information), to significantly decrease in-memory size of DOM-structure comparing to mdz_xml_parse() result.

mdz_bool mdz_xml_parseWritable(const struct mdz_Xml* pXml, char* pcText, size_t nTextLength);

pXmlpointer to XML-parser instance returned by mdz_xml_create()
pcTextXML-document to parce (single-bytes string)
nTextLengthlength of XML-document to parce in bytes

mdz_falseif pXml == NULL
mdz_falseif license is invalid/expired (MDZ_XML_ERROR_LICENSE)
mdz_falseif pcText is NULL or empty or nTextLength is too small (MDZ_XML_ERROR_PARAM)
mdz_falseif there are memory-allocation problems (MDZ_XML_ERROR_MEMORY)
mdz_falseif there are parsing problems (MDZ_XML_ERROR_PARSE). In shis case mdz_Xml.m_nErrorPos contains position of unexpected/erroneous character in XML-document
mdz_trueparsing succeeded

mdz_xml Reference


Reads from file and makes writable parsing of XML-document.

mdz_bool mdz_xml_parseFile(const struct mdz_Xml* pXml, const char* pcFileName, mdz_bool bParseWritable);

pXmlpointer to XML-parser instance returned by mdz_xml_create()
pcFileNameXML-document filename, including path. File-content will be treated as a single-bytes string
bParseWritableif writable parsion of XML-document is allowed. File content will not be changed, only loaded from file XML-document

mdz_falseif pXml == NULL
mdz_falseif license is invalid/expired (MDZ_XML_ERROR_LICENSE)
mdz_falseif pcFileName is NULL or empty (MDZ_XML_ERROR_PARAM)
mdz_falseif file reading problems (MDZ_XML_ERROR_FILE)
mdz_falseif there are memory-allocation problems (MDZ_XML_ERROR_MEMORY)
mdz_falseif there are parsing problems (MDZ_XML_ERROR_PARSE). In shis case mdz_Xml.m_nErrorPos contains position of unexpected/erroneous character in XML-document
mdz_trueparsing succeeded

mdz_xml Reference


Allow/disallow letter cLetter to be used in text, defined by enTextType. Please note: there are no checks on letters - thus invalid settings (like allowing '<' in element name) may break parsing functionality.
This function is applied to global settings and used by all parser instances.

mdz_bool mdz_xml_allowLetter(enum mdz_xml_text_type enTextType, unsigned char cLetter, mdz_bool bAllow);

enTextTypetext type for allowing/disallowing
cLetterletter to allow/disallow
bAllowmdz_false to disallow, otherwise allow

mdz_falseif enTextType is out of range
mdz_truesetting succeeded

mdz_xml Reference


Check if the letter cLetter is allowed to be used in text, defined by enTextType.

mdz_bool mdz_xml_isAllowedLetter(enum mdz_xml_text_type enTextType, unsigned char cLetter);

enTextTypetext type for allowing/disallowing
cLetterletter to allow/disallow

mdz_falseif enTextType is out of range or the letter is disallowed
mdz_trueletter is allowed

mdz_xml Reference


Set callback for reporting percent of XML-document processed during parsing.

mdz_bool mdz_xml_setParseCallback(const struct mdz_Xml* pXml, mdz_ProgressCallbackFunc pCallbackFunc, unsigned char nPercentProCall);

pXmlpointer to XML-parser instance returned by mdz_xml_create()
pCallbackFunccallback function, reports percent of processing [0..100] in parameter nPercent
nPercentProCallafter how many percents of parsing callback should be called. Parameter value should be in [1..50]

mdz_falseif pXml == NULL
mdz_falseif pCallbackFunc == NULL, or nPercentProCall == 0, or nPercentProCall > 50 (MDZ_XML_ERROR_PARAM)
mdz_truecallback is set

mdz_xml Reference


Remove callback set in mdz_xml_setParseCallback().

mdz_bool mdz_xml_removeParseCallback(const struct mdz_Xml* pXml);

pXmlpointer to XML-parser instance returned by mdz_xml_create()

mdz_falseif pXml == NULL
mdz_truecallback is removed

mdz_xml Reference


Get total number of parsed XML-elements (may be used for progress-reporting services)

size_t mdz_xml_getTotalElements(const struct mdz_Xml* pXml);

pXmlpointer to XML-parser instance returned by mdz_xml_create()

count of elementsotherwise

mdz_xml Reference


Get Element (or Text for XML with mixed-content) from parser.
This Element can be comment (pElement->m_enType is MDZ_XML_COMMENT) or CDATA (pElement->m_enType is MDZ_XML_DATA)

mdz_bool mdz_xml_getElement(const struct mdz_Xml* pXml, const void* pWhereElement, struct mdz_XmlElement* pElement);

pXmlpointer to XML-parser instance returned by mdz_xml_create()
pWhereElementpointer to element (or text in mixed content) to get. Use pElement->m_pFirstChild for retrieving the first element in children list, or pElement->m_pNext for retrieving the next element in list. Returns Root-Element if pWhereElement is NULL
pElementwhere element (or text in mixed content) data should be written

mdz_falseif pXml == NULL
mdz_falseif license is invalid/expired (MDZ_XML_ERROR_LICENSE)
mdz_falseif pWhereElement is NULL or pElement is NULL (MDZ_XML_ERROR_PARAM)
mdz_falseif last parsing failed (MDZ_XML_ERROR_PARSE)
mdz_falseif pWhereElement is invalid (MDZ_XML_ERROR_ELEMENT)
mdz_trueoperation succeeded

mdz_xml Reference


Get element attribute from parser.

mdz_bool mdz_xml_getAttribute(const struct mdz_Xml* pXml, const void* pWhereElement, size_t nAttributeIndex, struct mdz_XmlAttribute* pAttribute);

pXmlpointer to XML-parser instance returned by mdz_xml_create()
pWhereElementpointer to element (or text in mixed content) to get attribute for. Use pElement->m_pThis for retrieving attribute of element
nAttributeIndex0-based index of attribute to get
pAttributewhere attribute data should be written

mdz_falseif pXml == NULL
mdz_falseif license is invalid/expired (MDZ_XML_ERROR_LICENSE)
mdz_falseif pWhereElement is NULL or pAttribute is NULL (MDZ_XML_ERROR_PARAM)
mdz_falseif last parsing failed (MDZ_XML_ERROR_PARSE)
mdz_falseif pWhereElement is invalid (MDZ_XML_ERROR_ELEMENT)
mdz_falseif nAttributeIndex is out of attributes range (MDZ_XML_ERROR_INDEX)
mdz_falseif there is some memory-management problem (MDZ_XML_ERROR_MEMORY)
mdz_trueoperation succeeded

mdz_xml Reference
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