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Maksym Dzyubenko Professional Profile

Personal Information
Professional skills
Professional Experience
Project References

Summary: Wealth of experience in software systems/applications design and implementation. Strong in thinking "out of the box" and problem-solving to provide software-based solutions. Big expertise in industrial and medical solutions implementation using C, C++ and C#.

Personal information:

Name: Maksym Dzyubenko
Residence: Fürth, Germany

Professional skills:

Software development: 20+ years
Expert: Windows software development, C/C++, .NET/C#, WPF/MVVM, Unity/Spring/DI, NUnit/Moq, WinForms, Visual Basic, Win32/GDI, MFC, WTL, ATL, BSD Sockets, SQLite, Design Patterns, Enterprise Architect/UML, Agile/Scrum
Advanced: UNIX/Linux software development, POSIX, Qt, OpenGL, PHP, SQL Server, MySQL, Powershell
Proficient: Embedded Linux, Java, Boost, Python/Cython/ctypes, Pascal/Delphi

Professional experience:

maxdz Software GmbH (Fürth) - Software Developer, Owner
October 2017 - Present, ca. 7.5 years

- implementing individual software projects for different customers
- implementing mdzWebSiteGen – Software for generation of Web-Pages from XML-decription
- implementing mdz_ui - platform-independent UI-framework using OpenGL, for UI-development targeting Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, etc. mobile and embedded platforms (C, C++, Java/JNI, Android)
- implemented mdzTextViewer - Windows viewer of XML and texts files using OpenGL in more than 500 languages, even on very old Windows versions (from Windows 2000). Also very large (bigger than 4.5 GB) files are supported. (C++, Win32, GDI, OpenGL, FreeType, mdz_xml, mdz_font, mdz_ui)
- implemented mdzPdfMerge - Windows desktop application to merge (concatenate/join) multiple PDF files. (C++, WTL, Win32, PoDoFo)
- implemented mdz_xml, mdz_string, mdz_vector, mdz_license, mdz_file, mdz_editor, mdz_font, mdz_test C libraries; see detailed information on products here: Products
- implemented mdzTestRunner - highly-portable command-line C application for execution of test functions from shared libraries
- implemented mdzApiRefGenerator - application generating API Reference as plain HTML and also GitHub Wiki pages, using C header files with Doxygen-style comments. (C++)
- implemented Shop and license-generator on site (PHP, MySQL)

Platforms: Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Android, macOS/Darwin
Technologies: C/C++, WTL, Win32, POSIX, OpenGL, FreeType, PoDoFo, VC++, Boost, EASTL, MinGW 32/64 bit, gcc, Clang, Intel C++ Compiler, Android Studio, Xcode, PHP/MySQL, Windows 2016 Server Core/Hyper-V, Powershell, TFS, git/GitHub/Git Bash, Jira

Undisclosured Company (Switzerland), EV Charging - Software Developer, Freelance, Fully-Remote
May 2022 - February 2023, ca. 10 months

Software development for electric vehicle charging station
- cythonized several Python modules for better performance
- created package for installing and configuring Web-Server on Embedded Linux including SSL-security
- created and extended PythonScripts for Web-Backend
- generated REST-Server for Python using OpenAPI Generator and adjusted Server in system
- evaluated different source-code protection techniques for Python

Platforms: Linux/Ubuntu (development), Embedded Linux/Yocto (deployment)
Technologies: PyCharm, Python/Cython, lighttpd, SSL/TLS, PythonScript/CGI, OpenAPI Generator

Stockert GmbH (Freiburg), Medical Devices - Software Developer, Freelance, Fully-Remote
May 2021 - April 2022, ca. 1 year

Software Development for Nerve Stimulation and Radiofrequency Ablation Device
- gap-analysis of existing software and estimation of required additional features/bugs-fixing
- implementing additional features and bugs-fixing

Platform: Windows Embedded Compact 2013
Technologies: C++, XAML, Silverlight for Windows Embedded, Visual Studio, Subversion/TortoiseSVN, Python, PyCharm

SICK AG (Waldkirch), Sensor Devices - Software Developer, Freelance
October 2017 - October 2019, ca. 2 years

- implemented device-specific application (DTM) for newer generation of SICK controlling devices "SensControl 2.0"/"FlexiCompact", as an evolution of "FlexiSoft" devices (C#, WPF, FDT/DTM)
- determined and controlled architecture of implemented DTM (UML, Unity Container/DI)
- technical expertise in software part; specification checking/correcting, implementation and coverage with tests; "know how" transfer in team
- tight collaboration with embedded C/C++ developers involved in hardware implementation
- extended implementation of application for configuring SICK hardware elements (C#, WinForms)

Technologies: C#, WPF/MVVM, Unity Container/DI, WinForms, C++, UML, NUnit/Moq/NSubstitute, Agile/Scrum, VisualStudio 2015/2017, CVS/TortoiseCVS, Jenkins, Powershell, Jira, FDT/DTM, EtherCAT/ENI/ESI, CAN

Siemens Healthcare GmbH (Forchheim), Angiography - Software Developer, Independent Contractor
March 2017 - September 2017, 7 months

- extended implementation of Procedures Management backend (Acquisition, Stand/Table positioning, Backup/Restore, etc.) in Angiography (C#, WebSockets, Unity Container/DI)
- extended specification of controlling/diagnostic JSON-messages
- extended implementation of JSON-Messages Transfer Monitoring Tool (C#, WPF)

Technologies: C#/.NET, WPF/XAML, UML/Enterprise Architect, JSON/JSON Schema/REST, WebSocket, Unity Container/DI, C++/CLI, MS Unit Testing Framework/Moq, SpecFlow, Agile/Scrum, VS/TFS 2015, Jenkins

Siemens AG, Digital Factory (Fuerth), Industry - Software Developer, Leased Employee via TechConnect GmbH
March 2016 - December 2016, 10 months

- errors correction, refactorings, integration tests development for "WinCC v14" - HMI part of configuration platform "TIA-Portal" (C#, WinForms)
- specified and corrected several common UI-functionalities in "WinCC v12", "WinCC v13" and "WinCC v14"
- participated in initial design/development phase of "WinCC v15" (C#, WinForms)

Technologies: C#/.NET, WinForms, MS Unit Testing Framework/Moq, NUnit, UML/Enterprise Architect, Agile/Scrum, VS 2015, TFS 2015, FxCop/StyleCop/TeamScale (Fuerth) - Software Developer, Self-Employment
October 2014 - February 2016, 1 year 5 months

- extended implementation of "WorldTennisTracker" software (C++, Win32, WTL)
- implemented "WebSiteGenerator" application for website-generation (C++)
- changed "phpBB" forums implementation (PHP): account registration in forums is only possible from "WorldTennisTracker" application
- changed "mantisBT" implementation (PHP): account registration in forums is only possible from "WorldTennisTracker" application; added sponsoring in "WTT Points"
- implemented software/data update backend (PHP, MySQL)
- implemented own internet-shop on website with PayPal integration (PHP, MySQL, curl)

Technologies: VC++, WTL, ATL, STL, WinINet, SQL Server, SQL CE, SQLite, zlib, PHP/MySQL, Inno Setup, TFS, phpBB, mantisBT, Joomla

Siemens Healthcare GmbH (Forchheim), Tomography - Software Developer, Leased Employee via SOHARD Software GmbH
December 2012 - September 2014, 1 year 10 months

- extended implementation of Contrast Protocol/Injector Coupling sub-system for software-platform "Somaris X", supporting newer generation of Siemens tomography devices (C#, WPF, Spring.NET/DI)
- implemented "Test bolus"/"Bolus tracking"/"Enhancement curve" UI (C#, WPF)
- extended implementation of "Dual Tube"/"Dual Energy CT" functionality

Technologies: C#/.NET, WPF/XAML, Prism/MVVM, Spring.NET, MS Unit Testing Framework/Moq, NUnit, TDD, UML/Enterprise Architect, Agile/Scrum, VS 2010/2013, TFS 2010/2013 (Munich) - Software Developer, Self-Employment (member of Microsoft BizSpark)
July 2010 - November 2012, ca. 2 years 5 months

- initial implementation of "WorldSoccerTracker" and "WorldTennisTracker" statistical software (C++, Win32)
- initial implementation of database obfuscation solution "mdzDbObfuscate" (C++)

Technologies: VC++, WTL, ATL, STL, zlib, SQL CE, SQLite, SQL Server, php, MySQL, Joomla, TFS

TomTec Imaging Systems GmbH (near Munich), Ultrasonography - Software Developer, Full-Time Employee
January 2006 - December 2007, 2 years

- extended implementation of UI for imaging software of Ultrasound System (C++, Qt, OpenGL)
- implemented 2D/3D Landmarks
- implemented import/export of client-specific data in XML format
- errors correction, refactorings, integration tests development

Technologies: VC++, Qt, OpenGL

TILL Photonics GmbH (Munich), Microscopy - Software Developer, Full-Time Employee
Juny 2002 - February 2005, 2 years 9 months

- extended implementation of "TILLvisION" microscopy imaging software (C++, MFC)
- implemented modules like FRET, Autofocus, XML Storage, etc.
- added support of several other cameras/frame-grabbers
- checked alternative graphics libraries for possible integration
- extended implementation of "PolyV" software for programming of company hardware (C++, MFC)
- initial implementation of "TILL Protocol Editor" software for visualization of microscopy experiment protocol (C#, WinForms)

Technologies: VC++, MFC, .NET/C#, different graphic libraries, QuickTime, Vtk

W&B GmbH (Munich), Automotive - Software Development, Full-Time Employee
Juny 2001 - March 2002, 10 months

- implemented application for industrial hardware configuration (C++, OPC, Java, Swing)
- developed specification of XML-based protocol for Service Provider and Service Operator of Parking System (XML Schema, SOAP)

Technologies: VC++, VB, Java, SOAP/XML Schema

LINQ Systems GmbH (Munich, Germany), Internet Portal - Software Developer, Full-Time Employee
September 2000 - May 2001, 9 months

- implemented customer-specific services for "LINQ Portal" corporate web portal (VisualBasic, C++, ATL, XML/XSL, JavaScript/VBScript)
- integrated/deployed services on client-site installations (SQL Server, Oracle Server, SQL, Transact-SQL, PL/SQL)

Platform: Windows NT/2000 Server, SQL Server, MS IIS, MTS, Exchange Server, Site Server, Digital Dashboard
Technologies: VC++, MFC, VB, ATL/STL, ASP, XML/XSL/CSS, HTML/DHTML, DOM, VBScript, JavaScript, Oracle 8i, PL/SQL

Oktava Ltd. (Kyiv, Ukraine), Industrial Solutions - Software Developer, Co-Owner
October 1998 - August 2000, 1 year 11 months

- responsible for development, installation and support of systems for registering gas consumption and items production on different beverage factories

Technologies: WinNT 4.0, Linux, C/C++, gcc, gdb, POSIX, VC++, MFC, ATL, STL, Win32, IPC, BSD sockets, RS-232/communication API, MS SourceSafe, SQL Server, ADO/DAO, Transact-SQL

Tessart Corp. (Kyiv, Ukraine), Outsourcing - Software Developer, Full-Time Employee
February 1998 - October 1998, 9 months

- "Y2K problem" solving for Western clients

Technologies: Windows, Linux, HP-UX, C/C++, POSIX, Cobol, Sybase, SQL, CVS

Design Bureau "Kvarts" (Kyiv, Ukraine), Microscopy - Software Developer, Part-Time during Study
November 1995 - February 1998, 2 years 4 months

- implemented UI and main image processing/visualization/classification algorithms of chromosome analysis and karyotyping system
- implemented database integration
- participated in deploying systems on customer sites in several cities of Ukraine

Technologies: Windows, Win16/Win32, BorlandC++/OWL, VC++/MFC, GDI, IPC, SQL, ADO/DAO/BDE, MS Access, DBASE

Ukrenergo (Kyiv, Ukraine), Energy - Software Developer, Part-Time during Study
May 1997 - September 1997, 5 months

- implementation of MODBUS protocol

Technologies: VC++, Win16/Win32, RS-232/communication API


Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (Kyiv, Ukraine)
1992 - 1998, Dipl. Eng. (Ukr)

Applied Mathematics Department, Speciality "Computers and intellectual systems and networks"
Graduation thesis "Automated complex of cytogenetic research" has won the 3-rd place among ca. 5000 graduates in NTUU (KPI) competition (1998)
Grades for all subjects are "excellent" (highest) and "good" (2nd highest).


English, German - Full professional proficiency
Russian, Ukrainian - Native languages


Visualization method of nuclear erythroblasts for uninvasive prenatal diagnostics of casual pathology (Ukr)
Journal of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (1999)

Disorders in the synchronism of homologous chromosome condensation in women with a predisposed familial anamnesis (Eng)
Cytology and genetics Journal (1996)

Project references:

Below are references from last Maksym Dzyubenko's projects.
(references are certified translations from German, made by sworn translator and interpreter)





Stockert GmbH (Freiburg)

May 2021 - April 2022

Software Development for Nerve Stimulation and Radiofrequency Ablation Device

Due to his wide-ranging and especially sound professional expertise, Mr Dzyubenko adapted very quickly to the project and the tasks assigned and he achieved very good results from the beginning.

He always executed the tasks assigned to him efficiently, diligently and independently and showed a high level of initiative and willingness to perform. The collaboration with Mr Dzyubenko was always very exemplary.

With the project that Mr Dzyubenko was working on coming to an end, so too ended the collaboration between the two parties. We can recommend him unreservedly and in future, when needed, we will strive to collaborate with him again.

[Signature] , Senior System Engineer

Stockert GmbH Reference German Stockert GmbH Reference English




SICK AG (Waldkirch)

Oktober 2017 - Oktober 2019

Design, development and documentation of software components for the device driver (DTM) for the first product in the new control family

From the start Mr Dzyubenko's comprehensive and particularly well-founded expertise always enabled him to achieve well above average success. He was always target-oriented and put his knowledge exceptionally successfully into practice.

In view of his very good grasp of things he familiarized himself quickly and with success on new assignments. In new or unexpected situations he found his way always confidently and very well. He always managed the tasks assigned to him with efficiency, care and independence and showed a high degree of personal initiative and motivation.

Mr Dzyubenko's excellent services have at all times and in every respect met our expectations very well.

By virtue of his consistently friendly manner and his constant readiness to work with others Mr Dzyubenko was well liked everywhere. His conduct towards our internal customers was also exemplary in every respect.

Based on our good cooperation we have experienced with him, we would recommend Mr Dzyubenko without reservation and would work with him again at any time in the future.

[Signature] , Head of Software Development

SICK AG Reference German SICK AG Reference English




Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Business Area Advanced Therapies (Forchheim)

March 2017 - September 2017

Developing a central back-end component and the associated monitoring tool for X-ray system.

Mr Dzyubenko's involvement in refactoring issues, to which he was frequently contributed proposals for improvement, is particularly worthy of mention.

His quick comprehension also enabled him to become familiar with the new environment exceptionally rapidly and to the greatest possible extent autodidactic.

His conduct towards all the team members was exemplary without exception.

[Signature] , Department Manager

Siemens Healthineers Reference German Siemens Healthineers Reference English




Siemens AG, Digital Factory Division, Factory Automation (Fuerth)

March 2016 - December 2016

"WinCC ES", TIA-Portal further development

Mr Dzyubenko works in the screen visualisation area and takes care, inter alia, of troubleshooting, refactoring, test creation and design and implementation tasks. It took him an exceptionally short time to settle in and he integrated into the team without any problems. Mr Dzyubenko's extremely highly developed quality consciousness and his very careful working methods are particularly worthy of mention. The work results have consistently been achieved to our complete satisfaction.

[Signature] , Project Manager

Siemens AG Reference German Siemens AG Reference English




TechConnect GmbH (Munich)

March 2016 - March 2017

Software Development for External Clients (Siemens)

Mr Dzyubenko has comprehensive and wide-ranging expertise, which he always used skilfully and confidently in practice.

Due to his precise analysing skills and very quick comprehension, he was always able to immediately and correctly grasp even difficult situations and to find good solutions quickly. Mr Dzyubenko always demonstrated a lot of initiative and always identified fully with his tasks and our company, which he demonstrated with his great dedication.Even in situations with the largest workloads, he always proved to be extremely resilient.

He completed all tasks entirely independently, with great care and in a way that was methodically thought out. He was always calm, considered and goal-oriented end extremely precise. As such he always impressed both from a qualitative and quantitative perspective. Mr Dzyubenko was very reliable.

He found good solutions to all problems that arose without exception. Mr Dzyubenko's performance always met with our full appreciation in every way.

He was always much appreciated on all sides due to his always friendly and balanced nature. He was always helpful and courteous and, when necessary, even put aside personal interests. His conduct towards superiors, colleagues and clients was exemplary and loyal without exception.

[Signature] Director; [Signature] Human Resources Assistant

TechConnect AG Reference German TechConnect AG Reference English
Software Development. Strive for the Impossible to achieve Excellence.
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